medical weight loss

we start with a consultation

Medical weight management is not a one size fits all treatment program. Consultations are essential to determine what regimen is right for you. We take a deep dive into your personal history, medical family history, and what might factor into your weight struggles. This is a no-judgement zone! All your questions will be answered here at this appointment.

we send you for labs and discuss

Lab studies are performed at Clinical Labs of Hawaii to further assess health status and possible factors affecting metabolism and weight. Most labs are typically covered by insurance and we will review them with you as part of the weight management consultation fee. We do not take insurance for provider visits or monthly medication costs.

Start your journey

Weight loss is a long term journey, not a 3 month fling. We are committed to helping you create the habits with diet and exercise to maintain your weight loss. GLP-1 and GIP medications (such as semaglutide and tirzepatide) may be indicated to help you get there. Program starts as low as $350 a month including medication for the month.

New patients to our weight loss program must book a “weight management consultation” with the Nurse Practitioner to start the process.

iv infusions

  • May help improve skin, hair, nails, and increase energy.

    Hydration | Vitamin C | Glutathione


  • Ideal for rehydrating your cells and boosting energy levels.

    Hydration | B-complex | B12


  • May aid athletic performance and recovery by improving blood flow and oxygen to the cells.

    Hydration | Amino Blend | B complex | B12 | Taurine


  • May help accelerate the immune response during illness and shorten sick-time.

    Hydration | Zinc | Selenium | Manganese | Vitamin C


  • This infusion may reduce the histamine response by strengthening the immune system and reducing oxidative stress. Hydrating the cells and focusing on cell health, the Zinger is sure to energize you and fight allergies.

    Hydration | Zinc | Manganese | Selenium | Copper | Magnesium | Glutathione | B-complex | Vitamin C


  • John Myers, MD in Baltimore, Maryland pioneered the use of intravenous vitamins and minerals. Myers has been shown to be helpful for a wide range of clinical conditions with sometimes dramatic results.

    Magnesium | B12 | Calcium | B-complex | Vitamin C | Glutathione


  • This is a powerful antioxidant that may help with aging, oxidative stress, injury healing, skin health, and so much more! The body does not absorb oral glutathione well, making this IV injection a stellar addition to your IV infusion.

    $45/ shot

  • Boost energy levels, metabolism, and focus with weekly IM injections. Must be combined with daily exercise and diet changes to notice results!


  • ALA is a naturally occurring antioxidant found in small amounts some foods and synthesized by the body. Antioxidants fight cell-damaging free radicals, improve cell oxygenation, and provide anti-inflammatory functions. It has been studied in those with diabetic neuropathy and shown great benefits for improving nerve function.

    $80 add on to IV

Specialized & IN- depth Testing

Our APRN can tailor treatments and supplement recommendations through in depth, root cause analysis of your urine, blood or stool through integrative labs with kits for home or in office collection. Book a consultation to discuss with your practitioner.

  • Mycotoxins, produced by certain mold species, are some of the most prevalent toxins and can come from many sources, including buildings, vehicles, and food. These compounds have been recognized as a growing global health concern due to their acute and chronic adverse health impacts. Mycotoxin exposure can be challenging to diagnose without proper testing due to vague and often varied symptoms.

  • Organic acids are products of the body’s metabolic pathways. Evaluation of these downstream metabolites from various metabolic pathways provides insight into important areas related to gut health, mitochondrial dysfunction, neurotransmitter status, indicators of detoxification and macronutrient breakdown and nutritional status. This makes organic acid testing a valuable tool to assess the functional need for essential nutrients, diet modification, antioxidant protection, detoxification, and other therapies.

  • Many individuals unknowingly consume foods triggering adverse effects, with symptoms appearing hours or days later. Identifying and addressing these sensitivities is crucial, as they often contribute to chronic health issues and unexplained symptoms.

    Food sensitivities trigger inflammatory responses, contributing to chronic health issues and unexplained symptoms like digestive issues, fatigue and skin issues. Testing provides a straightforward and effective method to pinpoint offending foods. Identifying and addressing these sensitivities is critical for healing and relieving ongoing symptoms.

    Food sensitivities can impact digestive health by disrupting gut microbiota balance and nutrient absorption. Assessing organic acids, byproducts of your body’s natural processes, reveals insights into the impact of food sensitivities on gut health, crucial for overall well-being.

  • More than 2 billion people suffer from micronutrient deficiency worldwide

     Micronutrients play a vital role in energy production, hemoglobin synthesis, maintenance of bone health, adequate immune function, and protection of the body against oxidative stress and cellular damage

    Assessing absorption of nutrients at both the extra- and intracellular levels is the only way to objectively determine root causes of malnutrition and inflammation

    The holistic view of nutrient absorption can aid providers in differentiating between dietary, genetic, and other factors that impair nutrient metabolism or absorption

     Micronutrient deficiencies can be a sign of chronic inflammation

     Chronic inflammation is associated with serious diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis

     Uncovering micronutrient deficiencies is an easy and critical step in addressing chronic conditions and healing

Order supplements through my Fullscript store.

taking a holistic approach

revealing root cause

micronutrient testing, Genova diagnostics, amino acid base testing

in-depth analysis