Platelet rich fibrin

You may have heard about this treatment that has amazing potential in our skin to boost collagen and elastin production, helping our skin look brighter, tighter, more youthful, and with improved texture.

Click here to see before and after results using the ezPRF system I use in my practice.

First things first, what is platelet rich fibrin (PRF)? PRF is a matrix of growth factors and immune boosting cells called cytokines in your blood.

How do we obtain your PRF? We obtain this by drawing your blood, spinning in a centrifuge at a slow speed for less than 10 minutes, and then aspirating (pulling) the clear yellow portion of the spun-down blood tube.

You may have also heard about PRP, or platelet rich plasma in aesthetic treatments. PRP has been used for many years in orthopedics and surgery to speed up the body’s healing process, and we use those same concepts in aesthetics.

What is the difference between PRP and PRF? PRP is essentially obtained in the same method as PRF but by spinning your blood in a centrifuge at a faster rate. This causes the red blood cells to be concentrated at the bottom of the tube more densely and the plasma along with water, or platelet poor plasma. PRP does not have the maximum concentration of the ultimate blood concentrate we are striving to obtain. The reason I use PRF in my practice is because we are able to keep the most important matrix of cells in the highest possible concentration that will stimulate the fibroblast cascade creating more collagen production and better healing than PRP. It also helps the body produce these important antiaging cells at a slower rate, so your results last longer.

Where can we use PRF?

In my practice, I use PRF to rejuvenate the tear trough area form hollowing and darkness. While filler can be beneficial in this area, there is risk of migration because of the lack of support from the tissues and ligaments. This is why I like to either use only very small amounts of filler to the tear troughs laterally (on the outsides of the tear trough or orbital rim) and then more PRF towards the center of the face. The goal is to help the body restore youthfulness in the skin, and that is what I love about PRF! It’s a natural way to help the body work its magic.

Another favorite of mine is to use PRF as a glide for microneedling. This can be especially helpful in scar restoration, stretch marks, and pigmentation issues. When coupled with medical grade skin care, we can obtain fabulous results.

What are the pro’s of using PRF versus a synthetic product?

  • PRF is natural and from your own body

  • It does not have the potential side affect of migration like filler does

  • It allows for growth factors and a controlled inflammatory response that will lay the foundation for new collagen and elastin to form

What should I expect when coming in for a treatment using my PRF?

  • Before photos

  • Blood draw

  • Numbing to the area of injection or if microneedling you will have topical numbing applied to face.

  • Plan for 45-60 minutes for treatment

  • It is not uncommon to experience swelling and bruising post tear trough treatment, this should dissipate in 3-5 days. You may also see a yellowing occur, this is also normal and will subside.

  • For microneedling treatments; expect 2-3 days of redness to the face, avoid sun exposure, and do not apply anything to the face for at least 24 hours except the recommended serum or moisturizer. Avoid makeup for 24 hours as well.

How should I prepare for my treatment?

Hydrate well so we can obtain blood samples via blood draw. If you are feeling sick or have been sick recently, it is best to wait a few weeks after your illness before PRF. Due to the controlled inflammatory response that will occur after your first PRF treatment, for tear trough treatment you should expect 2-5 days of mild to moderate swelling. This is normal and expected, it will decrease. Using cooling undereye masks are helpful to the tear trough area post treatment.

Please do not hesitate to text me with any additional questions!


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